Research at the PROVIDI Lab consists mainly of developing
processing and visualization methodology for diffusion MRI to improve the reliability of
quantitative analyses and to gain more insight into the fundamental properties of tissue microstructure.
An overview of the research activities in Dutch can be found
The PROVIDI Lab also participates in several neuroscientific, clinical
and biomedical research projects with topics such as normal brain development and aging, diabetes mellitus,
vascular Parkinsonism, autism, and traumatic brain injury, among others. In addition to literature
that reviews diffusion MRI concepts, a few representative research articles are provided below.
Background diffusion MRI
S. Deprez, T. Billiet, S. Sunaert, and A. Leemans, Diffusion tensor MRI of chemotherapy-induced
cognitive impairment in non-CNS cancer patients: A review, Brain Imaging and Behavior,
Vol. 7(4), p. 409-435, 2013 | PDF
J.D. Tournier, S. Mori, and A. Leemans, Diffusion tensor imaging and beyond,
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 65(6), p. 1532-1556, 2011
D.K. Jones and A. Leemans, Diffusion tensor imaging,
Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 711, p. 127-144, 2011
Diffusion MRI methodology
C.M.W. Tax, B. Jeurissen, S.B. Vos, M.A. Viergever,
and A. Leemans, Recursive calibration of the fiber response function for spherical
deconvolution of diffusion MRI data, NeuroImage Vol 86, p 67-80, 2014
S.B. Vos, D.K. Jones, M.A. Viergever, and A. Leemans, Partial volume effect
as a hidden covariate in DTI analyses, NeuroImage, Vol. 55(4), p. 1566-1576, 2011
A. Leemans and D.K. Jones, The B-matrix must be rotated when correcting for
subject motion in DTI data, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 62(1), p. 1336-1349, 2009
Diffusion MRI applications
J. McGrath, K. Johnson, E. O'Hanlon, H. Garavan, L. Gallagher, and A. Leemans,
White matter and visuospatial processing in autism: A constrained spherical
deconvolution tractography study, Autism Research, Vol. 6(5), p. 307-319, 2013
J.L. Hsu, Y.L. Chen, J.G. Leu, F.S. Jaw, C.H. Lee, Y.F. Tsai, C.Y. Hsu,
C.H. Bai, and A. Leemans, Microstructural white matter abnormalities in type
2 diabetes mellitus: A diffusion tensor imaging study, NeuroImage,
Vol. 59(2), p. 1098-1105, 2012
P.K.N. van der Jagt, P. Dik, M. Froeling, T.C. Kwee, R.A.J. Nievelstein,
B. ten Haken, and A. Leemans, Architectural configuration and microstructural
properties of the sacral plexus: A diffusion tensor MRI and tractography study,
NeuroImage, Vol. 62(3), p. 1792-1799, 2012
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